Each year, the English ministries of the southern California Evangelical Formosan Churches put on a retreat at Pine Summit Christian Camps for four days and three nights over the Christmas break.
Come worship, fellowship, and grow! Attendance is usually over 400 campers, so you'll meet many young adults, college, high schoolers and junior highers from other churches!
This year, there will be three separate tracks for the campers. Everyone will meet together for joint worship and then break into three groups:
- High school, college, and adults
- Junior high
- Children
Small groups for junior high and up (typically anywhere from 4 to 10 campers) are assigned to all campers to help facilitate deeper discussions after each of the six messages.
Children have their own lesson, which is related to the theme in the adult program but on a kid level. Lesson activities include Bible memory verses, crafts, and games.
Retreat Theme: Christ Alone
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”
Thursday, December 30 – Sunday, January 2, 2011
Pine Summit Christian Camps
700 Wren Drive
Big Bear Lake, CA [map]
(1) Register here
(2) Print out and sign the Release of Liability Form
See who else is going! These charts and tables represent registrant data in real time.
Early: $175
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Regular: $190
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Late: $205
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Total Registered
Registration Details
- ALL individuals must fill out the form, regardless of age (a parent may fill out the form for those who are too young to use the internet, who do not have the necessary motor skills to operate a computer mouse, or who are not yet properly toilet trained). The question asking if you are registering as a family is for room assignments only. Family room requests can be made and will be honored by priority:
1) Parents with young children 11 and under (children ages 12+ are not eligible unless for medical or other special reasons)
2) Married couples (contingent upon space) - Age 3 and under: free
- Age 4 and up, to and including 5th grade: $75 (regardless of the date registered)
- Grades 6-12, college, graduate school, young adult, adult, mid-life crisis, old adult, geezer:
- Early: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 11:59 pm: $175
Regular: Sunday, November 21, 2010, 11:59 pm: $190
Late: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 11:59 pm: $205 - Refund: $140 for grades 6 and higher (regardless of the date registered). $75 for children's registration. Last day to request a refund is December 12, 2010.
- Fellowship with other EFC churches: pricele$$
- Absolutely NO SUBSTITUTIONS allowed. :/
- For part time registration considerations, you must contact the registrar for details. You MUST have a signed Pine Summit Consent and Release of Liability Form (121 kb PDF) in order to attend ANY portion of Winter Retreat.
Your local church registrar has a wealth of information about winter retreat. They will collect two things from you:
- A signed check (payable to your local church) for the appropriate amount based on your registration date. If your church has no registrar, please contact us.
- A signed Pine Summit Christian Camps CONSENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM.
EFC Alhambra: Frank Yang
EFC Arcadia: Prudence Lu
EFC Berkeley: Mimi Ling
EFC Cerritos: Joe Chen
EFC East Valley: Connie Chen
Grace Bible Church: Mike Lin
EFC Hacienda Heights: Ming Huang
EFC Irvine: Peter Guei
EFC Los Angeles: Andy Kuo
EFC Orange County: Andrea Chen
EFC Pomona: Ian Liu
EFC Saddleback Valley: Danielle Mailloux
EFC San Diego: Charlie Hsu
EFC San Fernando Valley: Alaine Bagamaspad
EFC South Bay: Jack Wu
Pictures from Previous Retreats
Win a contest and get a fast pass for you and a friend! Your entry should be appropriate relating to your interpretation of the retreat theme, "Christ Alone."
This year's contest is split into FOUR categories. You are allowed a maximum of one entry PER category. You MUST be registered to go to Winter Retreat. Submissions become the property of EFC Churchesand its staff, and we reserve the right to modify any aspect of the rules to fit into the spirit of the contest.
The four categories:
Creative Writing
- Maximum length: 300 words
- Poetry or prose
- Take a picture of your artwork (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.)
- Include a title and a brief paragraph (maximum 100 words) on how your artwork relates to the Winter Retreat theme.
- May be original photographs, photoshops, or electronic illustrations
Video Performance
- Maximum length: 3 minutes
- Upload to YouTube
Original Song
- Maximum length: 3 minutes
- Include the lyrics, if any (instrumentals are acceptable)
- Format: MP3 or WAV preferred. Don't make us cranky.
- Allow creative content to carry a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License for the free sharing and remixing of content for the public domain.
A small committee will choose the top entries in each of the four categories, and open voting for those signed up to go to Winter Retreat will occur December 6-20, 2010. We reserve the right to modify any aspect of the voting to fit into the spirit of the contest.
Each category winner will earn TWO food fast passes (allows cutting in food line). If a person wins in two categories, the second place winner with more votes in their own category than the other second place winner in the other category will earn two food fast passes. The same principle will apply if a single person wins in three or four categories. Just trust us, it makes sense in our heads.
2010 Winners
- Creative Writing: Albert Luo (EFC Orange County)
- Artwork: Christine Hsu (EFC EFC East Valley)
- Video Performance: no entries :/
- Original Song: Serena Lee (EFC Irvine)
Pastor Hanley Liu
FCBC Walnut
Track One: High School, College, Adult
Hanley currently serves as an Associate Pastor to English and Youth at First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut, CA. After graduating from Biola University with a B.A. in Communications in 2003, he received his M.Div from Talbot Theological Seminary in 2006. He is passionate about: preaching and teaching God’s Word, shepherding God’s flock, investing in future preachers/pastors, and building relationships with people.
He enjoys spending time with his bride Meryl, reading, studying, relaxing to clean country music, and playing basketball; but secretly he wishes that he was 100 pounds heavier and 10x quicker so that he could play in the NFL (professional football); he is extremely passionate about the game of football and has been known to be a fantasy football fanatic. His future plans include pursuing further theological education, and God willing, raising a family for the Glory of God.
Pastor Joe Barsha
Knott Avenue Christian Church
Track Two: Junior High
Joe is currently serving as the Youth Pastor at Knott Avenue Christian Church in Anaheim, CA. He received his B.A. in Youth Ministry fromHope International University in 2006. He has worked with Junior High students for over 10 years now and his passion to see their lives changed for Christ grows by the year. Joe and his wife of 3+ years, Rachel, absolutely love Angels Baseball and Ducks Hockey and attend as many games as possible. They even live close enough to walk to games! They also love animals. They own a maltese-poodle mix named Mimi (the apple of Rachel’s eye) and a 38-gallon tropical fish tank (Joe’s pride and joy). Joe sees himself working with youth for years to come because he believes it is his calling and not simply a stepping-stone to another ministry.
Workshops are an important part of Winter Retreat. It gives campers the opportunity to choose among different topics that interest them. Topics and sessions are subject to change. That's just the way it is.
Science & Religion
Pastor Andy Kuo, EFC Los Angeles
NOTE: All ages welcome, but recommended for 10th grade and higher.
How do we reconcile seemingly contradictory issues regarding science and our Christian faith? Topics to be explored: Origins of life: Age of earth (Creation account, 238U and 14C dating), Abiogenesis (Primordial soup), Big Bang model (Doppler shift of light, evidence, issues), Creation (intelligent design, literal/allegorical), Evolution (Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Adaptation, Natural selection).
A nap, my friend, is a brief period of sleep which overtakes superannuated persons when they endeavor to entertain unwelcome visitors or to listen to scientific lectures. George Bernard Shaw
Abortion & Biotechnology
Pastor Andy Kuo, EFC Los Angeles
How do we reconcile seemingly contradictory issues regarding science and our Christian faith? Topics to be explored: Abortion: Definition of life (conception, blood, trimester, birth). Biotechnology: Human Genome Project, Stem cell research, Cloning (Reproductive and Therapeutic)
Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born. Ronald Reagan
Too many people in America believe that if you are pro-choice that means pro-abortion. It doesn't. I don't want abortion. Abortion should be the rarest thing in the world. I am actually personally opposed to abortion. But I don't believe that I have a right to take what is an article of faith to me and legislate it to other people. That's not how it works in America. John Kerry
Eschatology: End Times (TENTATIVE)
Pastor Andy Kuo, EFC Los Angeles
(TENTATIVE) Do heaven and hell exist? How will the world end? What does the Bible have to say about final judgment? We will discuss the four methods to interpret Biblical eschatology that have surfaced, especially as it relates to understanding the vivid imagery of John’s Revelation, and we will go indepth into the three millenial views (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism) of the end times.
It’s the end of the world as we know it. REM, “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine),” Eponymous, Capitol Records, 1998
Get the Most out of Your Bible
Pastor Gabe Barber, EFC Orange County
You don't need a Seminary degree to study the Bible! The beauty of God's word is that it was written by normal people, for normal people. Come to this workshop to learn how to deepen your personal relationship with God through reading, studying, and applying Scripture to your life.
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand. Mark Twain
Tackling the Torah
Pastor Gabe Barber, EFC Orange County
Does God still speak to us through the first five books of the Bible? You bet He does! Studying them might not be easy, but it really can be enjoyable. Come to this workshop to discover the value of reading, studying, and even applying the Torah to your life.
It is a mistake to look to the Bible to close a discussion; the Bible seeks to open one. William Sloane Coffin
Growing Through the Gospels
Pastor Gabe Barber, EFC Orange County
Jesus Christ is the most crucial figure in all of human history, and we have four different accounts of His life in the Bible. Each of these Gospels is unique and contributes something different to what we know about our Lord and Savior. Come to this workshop to learn how best to approach the Gospels in your personal times of Bible Study.
If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.Saint Augustine
Practical Purity: Rules of Engagement
Danielle Mailloux, Youth Director EFC Saddleback Valley
Do you want to seek sexual purity in your life but you just don't know where to begin? Have you ever thought that seeking purity is just too hard? This workshop will give you practical tools for proactively living out sexual purity in your life. This year's workshop will be co-educational to allow teaching and open discussion on how each gender struggles with being sexually pure. Together as brothers and sisters in Christ we will learn how to avoid the top stumbling blocks for the opposite sex and how to help each other seek purity.
Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. 1 Timothy 5:2b
Identity Crisis
Pastor Mike Kim, EFC San Fernando Valley
Who am I? Who am I looking for? What am I striving to become? In every aspect of our life, we take on a particular role: Father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, employee, or employer. We look in the mirror, turn on the television, or walk down familiar hallways and convince ourselves we know who we are or at least what we want to become. A couple questions we need to ask ourselves, “Am I striving to become who I was created to be?” and “Do I see others as I ought to see them?” Do you know your identity in Christ? Or do you have an identity crisis?
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. Desmond Tutu
Bible Translation
Pastor Levi Hwang, EFC Alhambra
With so many Bible translations, which one should I choose? When we step into any Christian bookstore, we are immediately confronted with an abundance of English Bible translations. A few questions will immediately come to mind: What is a good translation? Which translation should I use? By understanding the different translation philosophies which undergird various translations and the strengths and weaknesses of each philosophy, the believer can profitably use different translations to gain greater trust in God's Word, to understand God's Word better, and in turn to live a life which pleases Him.
Never place a period where God has placed a comma. God is still speaking. Gracie Allen
Odd, the way the less the Bible is read the more it is translated. C.S. Lewis
Back to Basics
Pastor Mike Kim, EFC San Fernando Valley (Tentative)
Is Christ missing from your Christianity? Have you forgotten why you are a Christian? Have a hard time explaining what it means to be a Christian? Join us as we explore what it means to be a Christian and why choosing to follow Jesus is the most important decision you will ever make. Discover or rediscover the joys of following Jesus Christ.
Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Anna B. Warner
Healthy Christian Parenting (I)
Aileen Hong, M.S. MFT, Certified Family Wellness Instructor
As a parent, you're committed to helping your child to worship God, grow in character, and build healthy relationships with others. There are two main jobs a parent must do: to be a leader and to be a role model. In Part 1 of this workshop series, we will focus on parents being leaders. You will learn effective ways in which parents can set rules, stay in charge, and stick together.
Healthy Christian Parenting (II)Aileen Hong, M.S. MFT, Certified Family Wellness Instructor
As a parent, you're committed to helping your child to worship God, grow in character, and build healthy relationships with others. There are two main jobs a parent must do: to be a leader and to be a role model. In Part 2 of this workshop series, we will focus on parents being role models and spending time with their children. You will learn how to listen, encourage, and talk with your child in ways that build cooperation.
Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. Robert Fulghum
Post-Retreat Media
2010 Winter Retreat Slide Show
Courtesy Dann Chen (EFC East Valley) and Ted Kau (EFC East Valley)
Group Picture
Courtesy Dann Chen (EFC East Valley). Click for full size.
Slide Presentation
Courtesy Andy Kuo (EFC Los Angeles)
Post Retreat Survey
We hope you had a wonderful time at the 2010 EFC Winter Retreat, and we hope you were blessed in your time there. We would really like to know how to make Winter Retreat better! Please fill out our survey and let us know how we did!