Each year, the English ministries of the southern California Evangelical Formosan Churches put on a retreat at Pine Summit Christian Camps for four days and three nights over the Christmas break.
Come worship, fellowship, and grow! Attendance is usually over 400 campers, so you'll meet many young adults, college, high schoolers and junior highers from other churches!
This year, there will be three separate tracks for the campers. Everyone will meet together for joint worship and then break into three groups:
- High school, college, and adults
- Junior high
- Children
Small groups for junior high and up (typically anywhere from 4 to 10 campers) are assigned to all campers to help facilitate deeper discussions after each of the six messages.
Children have their own lesson, which is related to the theme in the adult program but on a kid level. Lesson activities include Bible memory verses, crafts, and games.
Retreat Theme: Wholly Renewed
“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices, and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge in the image of its Creator.”
Thursday, December 31 – Sunday, January 3, 2010
Pine Summit Christian Camps
700 Wren Drive
Big Bear Lake, CA [map]
(1) Register here
(2) Print out and sign the Release of Liability Form
See who else is going! These charts and tables represent registrant data in real time.
Early: $175
Sunday, October 8, 2009
Regular: $190
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Late: $205
Sunday, December 7, 2009
Total Registered
Registration Details
- Fill out the form (link below). It's pretty easy!
- Give to your local church registrar these two things:
- A signed check (payable to your local church) for the appropriate amount based on your registration date. If your church has no registrar, please contact us.
- A signed Pine Summit Christian Camps CONSENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM. We tried to make it electronic, but hospitals want something physically signed. Sorry.
- ALL individuals must fill out the form, regardless of age (a parent may fill out the form for those who are too young to use the internet, who do not have the necessary motor skills to operate a computer mouse, or who are not yet properly toilet trained). The question asking if you are registering as a family is for room assignments only. Family room requests can be made and will be honored by priority:
- 1) Parents with young children 11 and under (children ages 12+ are not eligible unless for medical or other special reasons)
- 2) Married couples (contingent upon space)
- Registration deadlines and costs
- Age 3 and under: free
- Age 4 and up, to and including 5th grade: $75 (regardless of the date registered)
- Grades 6-12, college, graduate school, young adult, adult, mid-life crisis, old adult, geezer:
- Early: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:59 pm: $175
- Regular: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 11:59 pm: $190
- Late: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 11:59 pm: $205
- Refund: $140 for grades 6 and higher (regardless of the date registered). $75 for children's registration. Last date to request refund is Dec 13, 2009.
- Absolutely NO SUBSTITUTIONS allowed. :/
- Fellowship with other EFC churches: pricele$$
Your local church registrar has a wealth of information about winter retreat. They will collect two things from you:
- A signed check (payable to your local church) for the appropriate amount based on your registration date. If your church has no registrar, please contact us.
- A signed Pine Summit Christian Camps CONSENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM. We tried to make it electronic, but hospitals want something physically signed. Sorry.
Alhambra: Jessica Chong
Arcadia: Michelle Chen
Berkeley: Mimi Ling
Cerritos: Tommy Wang
East Valley: Alli Nakagaki
Grace Bible Church: Mike Lin
Hacienda Heights: Ming Huang
Irvine: Peter Guei
Los Angeles: Arthur Au
Orange County: Andrea Chen
Saddleback Valley: Yen Lin
San Diego: Charlie Hsu
San Fernando Valley: Shanahan Yang
South Bay: Jack Wu
Pictures from Past Retreats
Design a t-shirt and get a fast pass! The design should be appropriate relating to your interpretation of the retreat theme. (We reserve the right to modify the winning design for the purpose of migration with the overall winter retreat design.)
Deadline: UPDATED November 1, 2009, 11:59 pm PST.
VOTING: A small committee will choose the top three (or so) designs, and open voting will occur between November 16 and November 30, 2009. The contest winner will be announced during winter retreat!
Prize: Winner wins FOUR food fast passes (allows cutting in food line) & bragging rights
Design Rules:
- Maximum of 3 colors excluding background color
- Colors must be used from this Pantone Color Chart
- Relevant to theme
- Front and back design
- White or black background only
Technical Requirements:
- Two files: one for the front side and one for the back side of the t-shirt
- File format: Adobe Photoshop (*.psd) or Illustrator file (*.ai), version CS3 or higher (designs made in earlier versions or other programs may be accepted at the committee's discretion)
- Resolution: 300 dpi or higher
- Typeset characters: saved as outlines
- Personal info: Name, e-mail, and phone number
- Submission: Please submit files to events@efcchurches.org
Congratulations to Margaret Yang, EFC San Fernando Valley!
By the numbers:
Ballots cast: 146
Ballots kicked*: 10
Official total: 136
*Multiple votes from same person and same IP address and votes from people not attending winter retreat
Pastor Roy Tinklenberg
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
Pastor Roy Tinklenberg is one of us. He became part of the EFC family when he was a student studying at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. What he thought would be a six month part-time ministry job as the youth pastor at the Evangelical Formosan Church in the San Fernando Valley turned into seventeen years of ministry as their English Pastor. (I think that is the record for the longest tenure of an English Pastor in an EFC church!) Hey, the folks at EFC-SFV were so lovable, how could he go anywhere else?
While he was pastoring at EFC-SFV he met and married Esther Yeh (a UCLA Bruin who was a friend of EFC-SFVers). Together they have three children, Bethany (13), Benjamin (11) and Brooke (7) - his "Killer B's." His family is the highlight of his life. He also enjoys camping, fishing, biking, hiking and rooting for his boyhood heroes—the Minnesota Twins.
He is now serving at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, a multi-ethnic congregation in Mountain View, CA. He has also been the Lead Pastor of Christian Layman Church, an Asian-American congregation in Oakland, CA. He enjoys teaching God's word and has been invited to speak at retreats and worship services in the several states and in Guatemala, Mexico, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He has studied at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA and Reformed Theological Seminaryin Orlando, FL.
Pastor Hanley Liu
FCBC Walnut
Hanley currently serves as Youth Minister at First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut, CA. After graduating from Biola Universitywith a B.A. in Communications in 2003, he received his M.Div from Talbot Theological Seminary in 2006. He is passionate about: preaching and teaching God’s Word, shepherding God’s flock, investing in future preachers/pastors, and building relationships with people.
He enjoys reading, studying, relaxing to clean country music, and playing basketball; but secretly he wishes that he was 100 pounds heavier and 10x quicker so that he could play in the NFL (professional football); he is extremely passionate about the game of football and has been known to be a fantasy football fanatic. His future plans include getting married, pursuing further theological education, and God willing, raising a family for the Glory of God.
Pastor Joseph Chou
EFC Los Angeles
Joe was born and raised in Southern California, where he started attending EFC LA sometime in the early 80s. After graduating from college with a history degree, Joe felt the call to full-time ministry. He graduated from Talbot School of Theology and began his full-time ministry at EFC SFV. While serving there as the English Pastor, Joe got married (to Christine) and they had their first child (Isaac).
Joe returned back to EFC LA, just recently, and is serving as the Children's Pastor. In his free time, he enjoys walking around Pasadena with his family and playing video games every now and then.
Workshops are an important part of Winter Retreat. It gives campers the opportunity to choose among different topics that interest them. Topics and sessions are subject to change. That's just the way it is.
Inductive Bible Study, Sessions 1 and 3
Pastor Gabe Barber, EFC Orange County
You don’t need a Seminary degree to study the Bible! The beauty of God’s word is that it was written by normal people, for normal people. Come to this workshop to learn how to deepen your personal Bible studies and open up the Scriptures.
CANCELLED Lose Your Life, Session 1, 2, and 3
Pastor Joseph Chou, EFC Los Angeles
A workshop about what our Christ-centered mission in life is, with an emphasis on how take real steps out into the mission field; going beyond summer mission trips. Check this workshop out if you're interested in how to find your life by first losing it!
Basics of Christianity, Sessions 1, 2, and 3
Pastor Charlie Hsu, EFC San Diego
Ever wondered just what exactly does the word "Christianity" mean? Or why is "Christianity" important to/for you? Have a question about the common words you hear in church many times? Or common practices you have observed? This workshop will try to answer some questions and clear some misconceptions. More importantly, it will raise one important question for you while giving you the options to consider on how to answer that one question. So whether you want to preview or review this thing called "Christianity," this workshop should be able to help you out in that endeavor.
Worship Team Leading, Session 2 only
Pastor Ted Kau, EFC East Valley
Leading a worship team and a congregation into the Lord's presence is both a privilege and a challenge. This workshop covers relational, theological, and musical aspects of music ministry (Psalm 33:3 principle, prophetic and priestly roles, song selection, running practices, key transitions, instrumentation, team recruitment, etc.). Ted has led worship since 1980, spearheaded the 1990 and 1994 nationwide EFC music ministry tours, and has helped oversee several worship albums.
Science & Religion, Sessions 1 and 2
(All ages welcome, but recommended for 10th and higher)
Andy Kuo, EFC Los Angeles
How do we reconcile seemingly contradictory issues regarding science and our Christian faith? Topics to be explored:
• Origins of life: Age of earth (Creation account, 238U and 14C dating), Abiogenesis (Primordial soup), Big Bang model (Doppler shift of light, evidence, issues), Creation (intelligent design, literal/allegorical), Evolution (Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Adaptation, Natural selection)
• Abortion: Definition of life (conception, blood, trimester, birth)
• Biotechnology: Human Genome Project, Stem cell research, Cloning (Reproductive and Therapeutic)
Free Will | Predestination, Session 3 only
Andy Kuo, EFC Los Angeles
A common question is how free will and predestination work together in God's world with resepct to salvation. How does one reconcile the doctrine of election and the doctrine of salvation by grace? This major controversy among Christians will be discussed, as well as a brief introduction to the major beliefs of Calvinism and Arminianism. The purpose of this workshop is to present these opposing views, and participants are encouraged to come to conclusions on their own.
Personal/Relational Evangelism, Sessions 2 and 3
Sam Shui, EFC East Valley | Isaac Liao, EFC Orange County
Don't know how to share Jesus without make it one of those "awkward" moments? Come and get some help on ways to share Your faith with others. Learn how to cultivate a life of evangelism, and shining your light for Jesus.
Sexual Purity for Guys, Sessions 1, 2 and 3
Pastor Eddie Sun, EFC Los Angeles
Hey guys, we all know that this is an area where EVERY GUY struggles in. We don't have to struggle alone—let's just get together and share with one another and support each other in this battle. We'll be talking about pornography, masturbation, struggles in our thought life, boundaries in dating, faithfulness to your spouse, accountability, forgiveness, and every other topic related to sexual purity for the man of God. Let's stand together to support those who may have stumbled, celebrate the victories, and share strategies with each other.
Sexual Purity for Girls, Sessions 1, 2 and 3
Helen Yu, EFC Irvine
Do you have serious questions that do not always have simple answers? Questions that begin with,"I don't know how to ask this ..." Writer Kathleen Norris states that sin is not just specific acts or naughty misbehaviors—especially sexual ones—but rather something more troublesome. Is it possible to link one's hunger for spirituality with one's need for romantic and sexual needs, interest and longings? Let's come together and share about our journey together. When considering your faults and virtues, look carefully at whom you compare yourself to. If you compare yourself with those far from God, you will become more like them. Compare yourself to the saints if you want to become one.
How to Know God's Will for Your Life, Session 1 only
Pastor James Yu, EFC Irvine
WHAT are you doing with your life? Do you think God has something to say about what you do and where you go with your life? If you’re a Christian, is this life really "YOURS"? Think about it. If you WANT someone to CHALLENGE what you're DOING and where you're GOING then you've come to the RIGHT place.
Post-Retreat Media
2009 Winter Retreat Slide Show
Official Photographers: Dann Chen (EV), Henry Wang (LA), Joel Lee (LA), Kevin Fang (SFV), Ted Kau (EV), Terry Chen (SV)
Contributing Photographers: Alli Nakagaki (EV), Angel Chang (SV), Bryant Wu (OC), Daniel Chiou (OC), Elaine Woo (OC), Jonathan Lin (CE), Michel Chen (LA), Mike Kim (CE), Rachel Ker (SV), Theodore Tzeng (OC)
5 AM Slideshow Crew: Dann Chen (EV), Ted Kau (EV)
Group Picture
Courtesy Terry Chen, EFC Saddleback Valley. Click for full size.
Junior High Track (Pastor Hanley Liu)
Session #1: Living For Eternity
Session #2: Wholly Renewed
Session #3: The Old Self Must Die Part 1
Session #4: The Old Self Must Die Part 2
Session #5: Wholly Transformed Hearts
Session #6: Wholly Renewed Priorities
EFC Retreat Discussion Questions (Hanley)
Senior High – College - Adult Track (Pastor Roy Tinklenberg)
Session #1: Take the first step now
Session #2: Be true
Session #3: Make change work
Session #4: Live by design
Session #5: Shed your skin
Session #6: Find the new, true you
Testimony and Talent Night:
"Winter Retreat Promo" | Emily Chang (EFC Irvine)
"I'm Letting Go" | Cynthia Hsia (EFC East Valley)
"Shabooties" | Alli Nakagaki, Jessica Shih, Melissa Chen, Sam Wang (all EFC East Valley)
Compilation | Herald Lebiga, Bryan Wang (both EFC Irvine)
"SV Does Every Winter Retreat" | EFC Saddleback Valley
"Up Dawg" | Wen Yu Chou (SFV), Albert Yang (SFV), Alanelle Bagamaspad (SFV), Caroline Huang (SFV), Joe Chou (SFV), Andrew Huang (LA)
"Realize" | Abraham Chen (EFC Arcadia), Tiffany Yu (EFC Irvine)
"old old old oak table" | John Chiu (EFC Los Angeles)
Slide Presentation
Opening slides, Introduction of churches, Rules, Map, Bathrooms, Nametags, Retreat Schedule, T-Shirt Contest, Introduction to speakers, Workshops, Acknowledgments, 2010 EFC Winter Retreat website.
“I’m planning (hopefully I am now!) to do everything I do for the glory of God. I want to be able to be bold as a Christian and to be comfortable with that! During worship before the alter call, I didn’t know what was tugging my heart until suddenly as we were singing “We are Hungry”, I just broke apart and cried. It came to my realization that God’s love for us is just too amazing! He DIED for ME. Me...like, really? :P And for that, it gave me a motivation to be the best that I can be for Him. It made me want to change how I lived and thought! Jesus I love you!!! <3”
“This is my first year of going to retreat, and I have been changed drastically. I’ve learned so much more about Christ and his love for me. After my retreat, my life at home and at school suddenly became much better, where there was less fighting and more loving. Jesus is the one, and I am so grateful I went to this retreat.”
Post Retreat Survey
Let us know how we did!